For Grades 1 - 4:
Can slime and magnets really mix? Try this fun experiment and see what you can create.
Make a sand volcano that really erupts!
NEW- Orange Buoyancy Science Experiment
Can you make one orange sink while the other one floats? Try it with this experiment.
Participate in this really fun activity and learn about the concept of gravity!
Try our easy Oobleck recipe!
Make a liquid that feels like a solid and see if you can find the perfect consistency!
Ingredients: 2 pound box of cornstarch and 2 cups of water
What to do: Make the Oobleck by mixing the two ingredients together. You may need to add more water to get
the perfect consistency, and you can also add food coloring if you want to make it look more interesting. Allow
students to play with the mixture as an alternative to sand or Play-Doh.
Get into the fall spirit and try this traditional activity with a twist.
Explore how sugary drinks affect your teeth
Use an egg to help visualize what sugar based drinks can do to your teeth.
How water beats rock
Can water and ice change the form of rocks? Let's find out !
Use your own creativity to make patterns in oil and water and find out why they don't mix!
A quick way to observe a lava-like reaction!
This experiment turns solids and liquids into a gas.
A sensory experiment that will leave you with putty to play with for hours after.
Why do some pennies turn green while others don't? Conduct your own experiment to find out
Make a race car that is good enough to go against Lighting McQueen himself!
You can grow your very own avocado tree using the avocados you already have at home.
Just the visual play of the food colouring during the reactions was mesmerizing. Plus the whole time you are enveloped in the wondrous smell of fresh lemons. Now this is some gorgeous science!
Do you like playing with play dough; or modeling clay? Wouldn't it be cool if you could add lights, sound, or even motion to your play dough creations? In this project, you will use play dough that conducts electricity, which will allow you to connect lights to your sculptures! This project is the first in a three-part series on play dough circuits, which can all be done with the same materials. We recommend doing the projects in order.
Batteries are expensive, but you can make one for exactly 24 cents! In this experiment, you will make your own voltaic pile using pennies and nickels. How many coins in the pile will make the most electricity?
You can create your own tornado in a bottle. All you need is two bottles, a tube to connect the bottles, and some water.When you whirl the liquid in the top bottle, it creates a vortex as it drains into the bottom bottle. That's because as the water flows down, air must flow up, creating a spiraling tornado.You can add glitter, food dye, or lamp oil to the bottle to make the tornado even cooler.
NOTE: Use caution when using glitter, food dye or lamp oil. You can buy a vortex tube here.
In order for water to become ice, it needs a nucleus in order for solid crystals to form. Usually, water is loaded with particles and impurities that enables ice to form. But purified water isn't. Because of this, purified water can reach an even colder temperature before becoming solid.If you throw an unopened bottle of purified water into the freezer for a little less than three hours, the bottle will be chilled well below the temperature at which regular water freezes.When you pour this super-cooled water onto a piece of ice, it provides the water with nuclei, causing it to freeze instantly.